This blog was created as a manner of documenting the different C.A.S (Creativity, Action, Service) activities I will be doing during the two year I.B curriculum.

samedi 28 mai 2011

CAS Activity - Being the voice for an animation

Activity: Voice/Animation
Type: Creativity
Supervisor: Nicolas (my neighbor)
Hours: 2 hours

My neighbor is an art student at Pennighen, an art school in the center of Paris. As a part of his assessment, he was assigned to make a video of any kind on the subject of "La Crise". He chose to base his project on the concept of "Home" and what home really means. He presented this in the form of a short 30 second animation. For his animation to be complete, he needed someone to be the voice of his animation, reading out the script he wrote. He ended up asking me to give it a try, and after I did, we decided that I would be the voice to the animation. It took a while to be able to get the intonation for every phrase right, but it was a new experience I definitely enjoyed !

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